Boemo ba Khoebo
Bodian (Beijing Bodian Optical Tech. Co., Ltd.) ke setsi sa Beijing Instrument Industry Group Co., Ltd. E thehiloe qalong ea 2001. E ne e le laboratori ea ho roala ea Optical Coating Center ea Beijing Institute of Film Machine. ka 1978.
Kamora lilemo tse fetang 40 tsa kaho le nts'etsopele, Bodian o na le sehlopha se matla sa tekheniki le boiphihlelo bo bongata.Ho na le lijase tse tsoetseng pele tse sebetsang ka bo eona (Optorun OTFC 1300 le Leybold Syrus 1350), spectrophotometer ea ts'ebetso e phahameng (cary 5000, cary 7000).
Lihlahisoa tsa rona li fetile setifikeiti sa tsamaiso ea boleng ba ISO9001-2016.
Lihlahisoa tsa rona ka tsela e latelang
Lifilthara tsa PCR/POCT fluorescence system, lifilthara tse tšesaane tsa tšitiso ea li-band, li-filters tse arolang beam, li-filters tsa gel ea CCD, li-filters tsa IR sensor, raman spectrum filter, li-notch filter, li-angle insensitively filters, mochini oa botle oa IPL. liipone, li-filters tsa li-solar simulator, li-filters tsa li-multichannel interference, li-filters tse thibelang nako e telele, li-filters tse bonts'ang holimo, li-filters tse khuts'oane tsa ho kena-kenana, lense, prism le karolo e khethehileng ea meralo ea bareki.
Bodian o sebelitse mebaraka e fapaneng ho kenyelletsa saense ea bophelo, biomedical, laser system, Industrial Inspection, sistimi ea litšoantšo, semiconductor, R&D, le Ts'ireletso.Re fana ka tšebeletso e tšepahalang ho bareki lefatšeng ka bophara.Hona joale re na le bareki ba linaha tse ngata le libaka tse kenyeletsang Jeremane, UK, Italy, Peru, United States, Fora, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil le boholo ba naha ea Asia, joalo-joalo.
Re ka etsa li-filters ho tloha ho moralo oa prototype ho isa tlhahiso ea molumo.Re boetse re fana ka barbotage ka ho khetheha bakeng sa moralo bareki le disampole bareki.
Setso sa Khampani
E inehetse ho sebetsa, ho bula maliboho le ho ba le khoebo, ho kopana le ho hatela pele, ho tsotellana le ho thusana, Tsamaiso ea mahlale, taolo ea botšepehi, boqapi ba theknoloji, ho hlola mathata.
Matsatsing ana, boqapi ba mahlale le thekenoloji e se e le sehlooho sa nako eo, 'me temo ea "gradient" ea likhoebo tse ncha tse khethehileng ha e bontše feela tataiso ea nts'etsopele ea likhoebo tsa China, empa hape e fana ka maikutlo a macha ho rarolla bothata ba ho aha libaka. ea theknoloji ea mantlha.Beijing Jing Yi BoDian Optical Technology Co., Ltd. esale e tsitlallela boiqapelong bo ikemetseng ka lilemo tse mashome 'me e tsoela pele ho nts'etsapele likarolo tse fapaneng tsa lifilimi tse tšesaane.Ha rea etsa feela li-filters tsa optical bakeng sa ho emisa sebaka sa likoloi tsa sefofane, empa hape re ntlafalitse lihloela tse khethehileng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse ncha tsa ho lemoha lefu la seoa (PCR fluorescence quantification analyzer), tse tšehelitseng ka matla ketso ea naha e khahlanong le seoa.
Ho lumeloa hore tlas'a tšehetso ea leano le letle la "Specialized and Specialized New", Beijing JYB Optical Technology Co., Ltd.